CaligraFIIND at CONAC - Calligraphy retreat and inner journey

CaligraFIIND at CONAC - Calligraphy retreat and inner journey

Handicrafts workshops


Dalnic 90, Dalnic 527121, Romania


Dates and Hours:

Friday, 18th October 2024 - Sunday, 20th October 2024
17:00 - 11:00


In autumn the fruits are harvested...But did you know, that the richest harvest is within you?
It's time to give yourself permission and time to enjoy who you are, what you have and can achieve, by joining the Calligraphy retreat and inner journey, held at the Gaál mansion in Dalnic.
With passion and appreciation, Gabriela Zamă, coach, therapist and calligrapher at Calligraphy Therapy, will lead you and be your guide.
It is not about "healing" but about celebrating life, about gratitude, simplicity and beauty, about goodness and... by dipping the pen in the ink and the your heart.
The language of the event: romanian.
More information: HERE.
Application form HERE.
Do what autumn does to nature every year: ART. The art of living beautifully!

Event organized by Terapie prin Caligrafie and Gabriela Zama at the Gaál mansion in Dalnic.
More information about the mansion: HERE.
