The fortified Saint Emeric roman-catholic church of Ghelinţa
Fortified churches and churches
One of the most valuable churches of Covasna County is the fortified Roman-Catholic Church in Ghelinţa, having Saint Emeric as its patron. From the XIIIth century the building was influenced by various architectural styles, such as Romanesque, Gothic and Baroque. The murals represent the legend of St. László’s (king in Hungary in the XIth century) fight against the Cumans. These murals from the XIV-XVth centuries are considered one of the best preserved frescos in Transylvania. Among the oldest elements of the Church are the century-old baptismal font and the wooden ceiling, made of 103 unique painted boxes (even from 1629). For those fascinated by history, art and antiques, we recommend visiting this church
The church has no visiting program, therefore you are kindly asked to announce your visit by phone at least one hour before arriving (please note that the presentation of the church is only in Hungarian).