Háromszék Dance Theatre

Háromszék Dance Theatre


Gábor Áron utca 1., Sfântu-Gheorghe, Romania, 520008



The Háromszék Dance Theatre was founded in 1990 in Sfântu Gheorghe. The aim of the ensemble is to collect, to preserve and to present the traditional folk music and dances from Transylvania through an original theatrical and dramatic language and form. These performances reveal the contemporary values of folklore and break down the audience’s prejudice about this 
tradition seen as anachronistic. The Ensemble combines together traditional folk dance and music with modern dance-theatre elements and movements and discovered the great theatrical potentials in different regional rituals, traditions even local historical events. The theatre together with the Lajtha László Foundation organizes every year the Folk Dance and Music Festival in Sfântu Gheorghe where professional collectors, authentic tradition keepers, musicians and participants come together, keeping our valuable traditions alive. The theatre and the Foundation also host the Folk Dance House event regularly. 

Manager: Virág Endre
Artistic director: Ivácson László

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