Cities of Covasna County II.
Historical time travel / City tours
Program description: the program includes a visit to Covasna County, its historical centre, and to three Szekler seats. The places can be visited separately or during a full day trip. The centre of Sepsi seat is Sfântu Gheorghe, also centre of the county, the centre of Kézdi seat is Târgu Secuiesc, and the centre of Orbai seat is Covasna. We recommend these cities of Covasna County to visiting tourists as part of a meaningful and adaptable program. The list of attractions is very long and it is worth agreeing to in advance upon the time and duration of the visit with the tourist guide in order to organize a successful homeland and cultural program.
Possible routes in Sfântu Gheorghe(the centre of the historical Covasna County): sacred buildings, Erzsébet Park and its surroundings, Guardians of the memories of our past, Kék körút (tour route of Háromszék E.K.E. -Transylvanian Carpathian Association of Covasna County), battlefields of Sfântu Gheorghe, Szent Mária - Szemerja (once an independent part of Sfântu Gheorghe city), etc.
Difficulty level of tours and routes: easy; the homeland and cultural walks can take a minimum of 2 hours and a maximum of 4 hours.
Distance (varies): between 0.5 km and 4 km.
Duration: the program can be adapted together with the tourist guide upon request, but experience shows that it is worth spending an entire day in each city.
- Easy
Tour guide
- Kiss András - István
- Sfântu Gheorghe/ Sepsiszentgyörgy