Óriáspince Hill

Óriáspince Hill


Dealul Pivnițele Mari, jud. Covasna, România


Take a walk to the Óriáspince Hill! 💛

According to the legend, this hill was once inhabited by a giant who buried his treasure under the Óriáspince Hill. The sacred hilltop is reached by a special staircase of 12 gates, recalling the 12 turbulent centuries of Covasna County, at the very end of which a stone altar stands beneath a huge wooden platform resembling a yurt. Here, you will notice some stone pillars, which are "talking stones": they were oriented in such a way as to point in the direction of the settlement whose name and the year of its first written entry can be read on the stone slab.
From the top of the Óriáspince Hill, you can enjoy a beautiful view of the basin of Covasna County.

🐴 Every year, the Szekler Gallop, the preliminary stage of the Hungarian National Gallop, is held here: an event full of adrenaline and cheering.

Location: Moacșa
Duration: ca. 1.5 - 2 hours

Event date

  • 23.05.2025

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